Beard Transplant Mississauga

Facial hair transplant and beard transplant Mississauga overview:

  • The entire procedure takes only around 2 to 6 hours to complete.
  • The procedure is done on an outpatient basis. You can go back to your regular activities or report back to work the very next day.
  • Facial hair transplant, in general, is painless.
  • A lot of the transplanted hair strands may initially shed. This usually happens in the first 2 months after the procedure. 
  • The transplanted hair, however, will regrow after around 3 to 4 months. The hair will be permanent.
  • The transplant procedure carries minimal risk.

Every man has his own preferred way of maintaining facial hair. These include growing sideburns, a moustache, a goatee, and even a rugged stubble. However, you cannot achieve your desired style if you are suffering from scarce or thin facial hair that may result from burns, surgery, or another similar injury, and even genetics.

In the past, men would have just shrugged their shoulders and moved on since there were no known options to correct the problems. However, with the technological advancements today, specifically in hair transplantation technology, you can now have thick, natural-looking, and full facial hair that can be styled the way you want.

HTCT is at the forefront of hair transplantation technology. He offers the best facial hair transplants in Mississauga and nearby cities. If you are in search of an expert in hair loss treatments, specifically on facial hair implants, be sure to check out his practice. Call the clinic for any concerns or to schedule an appointment.


Grow with care
Wear with pride

What to expect from a beard transplant in Mississauga?

A facial hair transplant procedure is comparable to a hair grafting procedure, which is more prevalent. Hair grafting is done to address a balding or thinning scalp. Hair follicles from a donor area on your head are taken and then transplanted into the target area. Once the follicles are transplanted, they adapt to the new surroundings and assume a new life on your face. Thus, you get the facial hair you want.

Cutting-edge beard transplant technique

Our team of doctors are specialists in FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction. It is the cutting-edge technique for hair transplantation available today. The ideal transplant must provide natural-looking, thick hair that is long-lasting and permanent. It results in minimal scarring and requires only a short recovery time.

The good doctor is likewise happy to provide non-surgical alternatives that can help stimulate hair growth. These include Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP treatments that use our Health Canada and FDA approved Needle Concept U225 and RegenLab Centrifuge that have been proven effective in encouraging hair growth.

PRP harnesses its regrowth properties in concentrated form. It promotes growth in your very own hair follicles. Hair restoration via PRP is the perfect option if you are looking for a hair transplantation alternative that is less invasive.

The facial hair transplant procedure

The procedure starts with an exhaustive consultation with your doctor. An experienced doctor like Dr. Asaria fully understands what most patients hope to achieve. He spends all the time necessary to achieve the patient’s goals.

Facial hair transplant procedures are ideal for a number of conditions. These include:

  • Thin sideburns
  • Patchy or thin beard growth
  • Thin moustache
  • Thin eyebrows in women

During the consultation session, the doctor will evaluate the donor sites to assess the number of available follicles. Based on the information, he will come up with a surgical plan that is specifically intended to help achieve your image target. 

The consultation will likewise include identifying any potential limitations. This way, you and your doctor can arrive at an achievable and realistic hair transplant surgery. 

The ultimate goal of Dr. Asaria is to provide his patients in the Mississauga area with first-rate facial hair transplantation surgeries that are comparable to the best in the world. He has many satisfied and happy patients who can vouch for his meticulous and amazing work.

Medical history & pre-operative instructions

Sometime before your scheduled surgery, the doctor and staff who will handle the procedure will interview you. This is about your general health, as well as to screen for existing medical conditions like asthma and high blood pressure.

Although these conditions may not directly prevent the facial hair transplant surgery from taking place, your doctor needs to be made aware of any health issues you may currently be experiencing.

There are only a few preparations necessary to do prior to the surgery. First, you will be reminded to refrain from consuming alcohol 1 week before the surgery. You must also inhibit from taking NSAIDs and other OTC types of medication like Advil. This is because these drugs may increase bleeding. This, in turn, makes taking grafts a lot more difficult.

Aside from avoiding these medications, you will also need to avoid Gingko Biloba, Vitamin E, Echinacea, and garlic. You need to keep all these reminders in mind to help ensure a successful facial hair transplant surgery.

The doctor will also give you a prescription for all the medicines you will need to take a week or so before the surgery. These include medications for pain, antibiotics, and medicines to reduce swelling. Make sure to follow all requirements regarding the dosage and frequency of intake.

Natural-looking beard transplant Mississauga results

One of the best facial plastic surgeons in the country, Dr. Jamil Asaria is duly board-certified. While many other facial hair transplant surgery specialists are only trained in hair transplantation procedures, HTCT is also trained in facial plastic surgery.

This gives him a decided technical edge over other doctors. Coupled with his level of care that can be gained only with actual experience, Dr. Asaria is truly one of the best! Ideally, every follicle must be planted at the right place – and at the proper angle.

This way, the hair will grow naturally – just like the rest of your natural hair. The newly transplanted hair should seamlessly blend in with the existing hair. The end result will be facial hair that looks as natural as possible. The no-compromise philosophy that HTCT lives by will make sure that the entire procedure is performed flawlessly.

Based on the highest possible standards. Patients can therefore expect to undergo a facial hair transplant procedure that is among the best in the world. Your doctor’s aim is to provide an experience that will exceed your expectations – from your first consultation to your final follow-up session.

With this uncompromising commitment to superior results, HTCT is widely known as one of the best in delivering top-notch facial hair transplant procedures in Mississauga.

The day of your beard transplant procedure

On surgery day, the clinic staff will make your stay in the surgical area comfortable. You will also be given enough time to raise last-minute concerns and questions you may be entertaining about the surgery or the recovery period. 

Local anesthesia will be applied to the area where donor follicle harvesting will take place. This is typically at the backside of the head. In the case of bald patients, the hair on the chest may be harvested and used as donor follicles.

After harvesting the donor follicles, the surgery team will prepare them for transplantation. This may take some time. During the interval, you can have your lunch, check your email or take the time to relax or sleep. You’re welcome to read our patient’s journeys and reviews by visiting our clinic’s listing.

Our facial hair transplant technique

The hair transplantation surgery will start when the hair follicles are ready. Because our surgeons are perfectionists by nature, he bides his time in making sure that every single follicle is implanted just as it would occur naturally, paying close attention to the hair’s overall density, as well as the hair growth’s angle. 

His attentiveness and keen eye for details helped him gain a reputation as one of the best providers of facial hair transplant procedures in the area. The time he spends on the transplantation aspect of the entire procedure is what puts his work way above the rest.

After the surgery, you will feel a bit sore both on the donor and the transplant sites.  Don’t worry as this will go away after a few days.

Beard transplant Mississauga downtime

As mentioned, there is minimal downtime required for recovery. You can return to work the next day after your facial hair transplant surgery. However, you may see a bit of redness in the affected areas. 

Don’t be alarmed if you notice hair falling out after 2 to 4 weeks. It is part of the process of healing. The hair follicles are completely healthy, and after a few months, you will notice new hair strands growing and behaving exactly like the rest of the hair on your face. 

Schedule a Consultation

If you want to know more about our hand-harvested, custom-tailored hair restoration procedures, just contact us. You can then schedule a private consultation session with Dr. . During the consultation, the doctor will come up with a viable plan on how to achieve your goals for hair transplant surgery.


Contact Us

Contact us today to schedule your consultation.
Our representatives will be happy to assist you.


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    (647) 977-7723

    Clinic Location

    100 Front St W Level B,
    Toronto, ON M5J 1E3

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